'Sharing for Life' over the TEIN Network
5-6 Mar, 2012 Participation Register Technical Details Photo Gallery
BACKGROUND & RATIONALE: In the year 2010, almost a year back, NREN and CanalAVIST had organized a telemedicine workshop with the financial support of TEIN3 HRD 2010. Participants of the workshop were from NP, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Japan, Pakistan and the United States. In spite of its limitations, the workshop opened up a possibility of close and effective cooperation among clinicians in the region. It was clearly seen that with a better organization, the continued improvement in the information technology can make regular sharing of knowledge and skill among medical doctors a reality. Obviously, it will be for the benefit of sick people in the region.
The 2010 workshop, besides having meaningful discussions on a number of real clinical cases, also shared the experience gained in practicing e-health and tele-medicine among the participating
During the workshop last year, we had partially deployed HD streaming technology. HD Streaming technology created a new avenue for clinical exchange and discussions among clinicians and the medical students. As we are exploring the tools which are less and less expensive, more and more accessible and more and more efficient, this will be the good solution for medical communities for promoting their medical consultation over its high speed TEIN3 network. We need to further explore the possibility of using HD streaming, Vclass and other such technology to a larger extent.
● Sharing of Clinical Cases - that pose challenges in diagnosis and choice of treatment and/or are of significant educational importance - among experts of participating countries ;
● Enhancing collaboration and cooperation among TEIN communities for partnership in health care;
● Deploying HD video streaming technology for streaming the event among the organizing countries;
Expected Results:
The workshop will deploy and evaluate the use of Interactive HD Video Streaming applications in video conferencing among health professionals and bring the latter together in the region for further cooperation. Following will be the specific results of the workshop:
● Further strengthen the possibility of 'sharing for life' through larger participation among health professionals especially the medical doctors from different countries
● Deploy and demonstrate HD video streaming application as a cost effective, accessible and efficient solution to stream the regular event over the network
● Stimulate existing relation and cooperation and make basic platform for collaboration on medical sector among the TEIN communities.
Target Audiences:
● Medical practitioner, doctors and surgeons;
● Students of health sciences, information technology and medical engineering;
● Network administrator and IT professionals working on the area of network streaming and broadcasting. PARTICIPATION: The workshop is open for all TEIN members and other countries who wish to participate.
● Physical Participation - You are welcome to join if located at one of the mentioned locations.
● Virtual Participation - Through Live Interactive Stream. You need a laptop with Internet.
INDIA- Sanjay Gandhi PGI of Medical Sciences, LKO | [mohana@stbmi.ac.in] |
NEPAL- Kathmandu Model Hospital, KTM | [ rajan@nren.net.np ] |
THAILAND- Phra Mongkutklao Hospital, BKK | [pujan, nisarat] @ ait.asia] |
TECHNICAL DETAILS[How To] As explained in the diagram below, being general audience, please prepare 2 computers. One for VClass and another for VLC with any Operating System.
1. VClass: VClass will be used for interactive audio/video/chatting/presentation as well as QA. It requires username & password. Please send your request to us by 4th March 2012. Website For VClass Here
2. VLC: You are encourage to receive VLC stream via IPv6 Multicast otherwise HTTP Stream is available as well.
Multicast: | XSPF Playlist ![]() | or | Open VLC Manually UDP on IP FF7E:320:2001:254::9988 on port 1234 | ![]() |
-or- | ||||
HTTP: | XSPF Playlist ![]() | or | Open VLC Manually HTTP on IP on port 8000 | ![]() |
Fig: Setup Diagram for Other Receiving Sites (other than NP, TH, IN sites, who wish to view)

Sites Participated:
Sanjay Gandhi PG Inst. of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Kathmandu Model Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
IOM, Nepal
BP Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal
Phra Mongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok Thailand
University of Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta(UMY), Indonesia
Kyushu University
Photo Gallery Here