Course title: Introduction to Technology & Innovation Management (ITIM)


      Instead of “big eats smalls”, the name of the game now is “quick eats slows” and “smarter eats dumpers.” These reflect the fact of competition in the world market nowadays. Without innovation, the chances of nation and firm to be competitive in the world arena become obsolescence. Innovation is an essential element in determining and maintaining competitiveness, and in ensuring the long-term survival of enterprises. It affects competitiveness in a variety of ways, not only in terms of price but also in terms of performance characteristics like quality, design, choice, responsiveness, etc.

Course description:

      An introduction of technology & innovation management (ITIM) will focus specifically on the interfaces between technology and management in ASEAN.

Course objectives:

      The objective is to provide the knowledge to enable managers, technologists and researchers in ASEAN, who work in environments where technological innovation can potentially change the rules of the business and organisation, to provide a thorough understanding of the strategic importance of innovation and technology in business strategy as well as of the many different challenges facing managers responsible for the long term development of their business. In particular, the programme develops the ability in students to deal with the many different aspects of the technology, innovation and implementation processes which a firm needs to consider in order to successfully manage its intellectual assets, catching-up strategy and to gain competitive advantage through the effective technology and innovation management.

Credit: 3 credits

Course duration: 3 months

Target audience:

1. Owners of techno-based corporations
2. R & D managers
3. Managers involved in the areas of finance, marketing, economics and public policy
4. Science and technology researchers
5. Engineers in areas of design, production, manufacturing, quality assurance, marketing, and sales
6. Project and operations managers
7. Technopreneurs
8. Graduate student in Science and Technology who seeks an opportunity to start new technology ventures.

Course components:

1. Technology, Innovation & Knowledge
2. Globalisation, Economic & Technological change and Innovation Systems
3. Innovation & entrepreneurship
4. Innovative organisation
5. Innovation process and Technology strategy
6. Strategic R&D management for catching-up firm